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Thealoz® Duo | 10ml

$31.25 CAD


Thealoz Duo | 10ml Anti-Evaporation Drops are best for for moderate to severe dry eye.  The dual ingredients also work beautifully well for computer-related dry eye.

Dr Morris' comments - In Clinic, I recommend Thealoz DUO anti-evaporative eye drops for those who have poor lid oil production or high screen-time demands.  If you have been recommended warm compresses for dry eye treatment, an anti-evaporative drop like Thealoz DUO would be a good complement.

  • Sodium Hyluronate 0.15%
  • Trehalose 3.0%

Thealoz Duo contains two dry eye therapies in one bottle:

  • Trehalose: a natural anti-evaporative substance present in nature that helps many plants and animals survive extremely dry conditions
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: lubricates with long-lasting relief and is the active ingredient in Hyabak

Thealoz DUO is the only artificial tear proven to reduce inflammatory markers (IL-1b/6/8) with 60 day use!  (2023 Study Reference)

Thealoz Duo is not the answer for all forms of dry eye.  Please see our Guides -  DRY EYE DIGITAL EYE STRAIN BLEPHARITIS ALLERGY and speak to your eye care professional about the correct dry eye therapy for you. 

The special, filtered Duo bottle allows for the drop to be non-preserved.  This means that it is very gentle to the ocular surface and can be used many times a day if required.  The Duo bottle also has a long shelf life of 180 days once opened.  This is 6 times longer than a standard bottles' shelf life.  

Product Details:

  • Hydration, bioprotection, and regeneration of the eye’s surface
  • No preservatives or phosphates
  • Increases tear film thickness
  • Reduces dry eye symptoms and damage to the eye’s surface
  • Can be used with contact lenses

Each bottle has ~300 drops.  In-clinic, I typically recommend 2x/day so that is over ~4 months of relief.

Thea Pharma Eye Drops

All Current Inventory Expires after: August 1, 2027
If you use a computer all day, you should not be using your grandmother's lubrication eye drop!

Grandmas have lots of sage advice.  However when it comes to eye drops for computer dry eye, what works best for her offline...  probably is not going to work for you online!

If you suffer from dry eyes and irritation, the first step is to figure out the why.  Your eye care professional will use tests, observation and history to establish if your symptoms are related to things such as: medications, allergies, genetic causes, environment, visual demands, age, infection or lid issues.    Once cause(s) is established, treatments are targeted to solve the issue.

Different over-the-counter rewetting eye drops work on different targets and if you are aiming at the wrong thing... your drops will not work well.  They will fail to work at all or you will have to use them over-and-over to achieve relief.    You can go though something like a product guidance questionnaire for basic targeting but your Optometrist will be the expert for answers.

The most common mis-targeting of drops that I see in clinic...

Most advertisements for eye drops seem to feature young individuals blissfully instilling drops in white-bleached eyes.   This is not reality and the #1 consumers of eye drops are over 50 females.  Because that is the biggest market, most drop formulations are designed to target the issues of that demographic.

If you use a computer all day - regardless of your age - highly-branded, heavily-marketed,  lubrication-centric formulations are typically the wrong choice.

Directionally, a computer user need 1] evaporation protection due to the long hours staring at a screen and 2] moisture.  Anti-evaporation eye drops are better and are designed to target issues the evaporation issues that fuel digital dry eye.

Two examples of anti-evaporation eye drops that we successfully use in clinic are
Thealoz DUO and I-Drop MGD.  I would encourage you to try these drops if you have dry eye symptoms that are worsened by screen use  e.g. office, extended phone and/or tablet use

Remember the drop's target must match your dry eye's underlying cause to be effective,

Dr Morris


RELATED TOPICS: The Basics of Dry EyeHow to read an Omega 3 LabelEye Lid Care / BlepharitisWhat is the most potent Omega 3 we have found




Do you blink to clear?

I feel an under-represented symptom of dry eye is the dramatic blur that an unstable tear film can create.   Do you blink to clear your computer screen?

Most commonly you will see reference to chronic eye irritation and this logical considering the "dry eye" label.

However, I suggest that clinically I see more patients mis-attributing transient screen blur to their glasses than reporting eye irritation.  It is a hard connection to attempt to communicate!   When there is no irritation and only blur, counseling on drop use is usually met with some skepticism.   Your optometrist will check for signs of an unstable tear film but if you are noting that you need deep blinks to clear intermittent blur... You likely could benefit from the proactive use of an anti-evaporative drop such as I-drop MGD or Thealoz DUO.

I will often recommend using one of these products before computer use and again at a break.   Getting ahead of the problem is paramount.

Bottom line is that you do not need irritation to have the early vision-blurring effects of dry eye.

Looking for product recommendations?   Try the mEYEspa product guidance quiz

Dr. Morris

The Basics - Digital Eye Strain

When we use a computer, tablet or smart phone for an extended period, many of us experience digital eye strain. There are several reasons why this occurs including:

digital dry eye, posture & ergonomics, long periods of sustained focus, back-lit screens, improper prescription glasses or contact lenses, eye muscle / alignment issues

In addition all of those reasons, the fact that we blink significantly less when our attention is focused on a screen also significantly contributes to eye irritation, blurry vision and fatigue.

One of the most impactful things that you can do to stabilize vision and reduce digital eye dryness issues is use non-preserved rewetting eye drops formulated for evaporative issues (such as I-DROP MDG or Thealoz DUO).  To be effective these drops should be used at least twice a day i.e. proactively!.

This is especially true for contact lens wearers as the ocular surface dries more quickly!

A great way to get a quick refresh throughout the day is Hypochlorous spray.

Warm compresses, prescription medications and Omega 3 supplements are also used to combat dryness – digital or not!  See the Dry Eye BLOG post

  Extended smart phone use creates problems because working distances are so close. Sustained focus and extended convergence (in-turning of eyes) cause fatigue and strain. Proper eye wear and taking breaks are the best solutions.

Progressive lens users also have postural issues. At a desk, the ideal spot to view a desktop screen is partway down the lens… this causes users to lift their chin for extended periods resulting in neck aches and pains. There are products that allow for more comfortable postures (e.g. Essilor Digitime or Zeiss Office lens). These lenses very helpful to reduce strain and address multiple working distance issues.

For a progressive lens wearer, if a separate 'Office Style' set of glasses is not practical, setting the computer monitor as low as possible is important (i.e. with straight ahead gaze, the top of your computer screen should be at eye level)


  Our eyes work like cameras. Before autofocus cameras we manually focused a camera by moving lenses closer and further apart by twisting the camera’s lens system. Moving the lenses would change the focal length and create clarity.

Our eyes work very much the same way with a flexible lens in the eye changing shape to create clarity.   Our eyes are not designed to hold static close focus. They are designed to focus dynamically and continually move. Keeping the same high point of focus (e.g. smart phone) fatigues the system and it becomes sore.

 If you do.. or do not wear glasses at all, there are options to relax your eyes. Essilor EyeZen, Zeiss Digital and Nikon Relaxsee are examples of antifatigue lenses. These lenses help reduce eye strain by assisting your eye’s focusing system.

  Hippus is the normal involuntary small rhythmic pulses (dilation/constriction) of the pupil. The frequency and size of hippus movements are influenced by light.  

There is a school of thought that backlit screens cause more fatigue and strain because they induce more intense hippus movements. This would be why many people enjoy reading more on paper or e-readers vs. tablets/laptops/phones.   There is not much research on this topic to make recommendations.


  Having an outdated, inaccurate prescription seems like a logical thing to correct when having digital eye strain issues but you would be surprised how many folks do not consider this factor when experiencing eye ache and strain symptoms. Step #1 - See your Optometrist!

An incorrect prescription can also mean that the numbers are correct but they are prescribed for the wrong working distance.

Contact lens wearers with low amounts of astigmatism are susceptible to strain because low astigmatism is not generally corrected in soft contact lenses. If this sounds familiar, the solution may be to have glasses for extended screen use times.   Or even antifatigue glasses for over your contacts!


  Having your eyes work well together is critical for reading and screen comfort. There are six muscles behind each eye that must work in concert for comfort. Your Optometrist can assess your eye muscle coordination and make recommendations. Vision Therapy is like physiotherapy for the eye muscles and can help strengthen and align misalignment (not all Optometrists offer Vision Therapy). Alternatively, a lens with “prism” can sometimes be used to relax misalignment and help eyestrain.

 A very basic test for alignment issues… stare at the logo below and alternate covering one eye and then the other.   If the asterisk shifts at all up/down or significantly right/left you should see your optometrist.



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Continue Reading Information on Digital Dry Eye and Eye Fatigue on mEYEspa