Topics Covered:  What is Macular Degeneration?   What is wet vs. dry AMD?  What can an eye doctor do for AMD?

Macular degeneration is a serious, sight-threating eye disease and complex topic.  If you have AMD, you should explore all questions and options with your eye care provider.  This article is organized with the most common questions that I hear in clinic.  It  is intended to be an general overview and is not intended to diagnose nor recommend treatment for AMD.

AMD's effect

What is macular degeneration (AMD)?

The macula is a region of retina in the back of the eye.  It is very important and critical for high-resolution vision and colour perception.   When you do a highly visual complex task like reading or recognizing a face, your eyes and brain orient the object-of-interest to the macula.   In some people, the extremely dense and highly active receptors of this region become irregular and dysfunctional due to a combination of biproduct build-up, inflammation, poor nutrition.

Loss of function of this area reduced central vision sensitivity limiting the ability to read and other visual demands requiring high resolution.   AMD does not cause total blindness and mobility is not generally effected.

These changes are generally slow.  Prevalence increases with age, race, skin tone (fair skin), smoking, obesity.

Dry AMD means no blood or fluid issues within the retina and always precedes wet AMD which means there is blood or fluid within the retina.  However, not all dry AMD becomes wet.  This progression is approx. 15% per year.   Vision loss from wet AMD is more rapid but severity can ultimately be similar between dry and wet.

What is the difference between macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma?

This is a common confusion.   The eye is small, but these conditions are [generally] independent pathologies.   AMD diagnosis and treatment would be separate from other eye conditions.   It is possible to have 1-2-or-3 of these conditions concurrently and could require different specialists for each..

What can be done to prevent AMD?

It is believed that AMD is the sum of life long use/damage.  Some people seem to be genetically or otherwise pre-disposed but it is generally accepted that: UV protection from a young age, exercise and weight-management, good nutrition and no smoking are protective against AMD.

What can be done to treat AMD?  Is it reversable?

AMD is not a curable disease.  The factors listed above along with supplements can slow dry AMD progression in many people... but not cure or reverse the condition.

Wet AMD does have treatments available such as eye-injectable medications however these are management strategies to deal with acute intra-retinal fluid problems, they do not cure AMD. 

Is there surgery for AMD?

There used to be surgery for wet AMD but this has been mostly supplanted by injectable medications which are far more successful and safe.

Does AMD cause blindness?

Yes - unfortunately advanced AMD can cause blindness and one of the most common forms of uncorrectable vision loss in North America.  Blindness caused by AMD is loss of central vision - not total visual field (black) blindness.   

What can an eye doctor do for AMD?

Optometrists and Ophthalmologists diagnose and educate, recommend treatment and monitor dry AMD for progression to wet.

If blood or fluid is identified within the retina (i.e. wet AMD), aggressive treatment from retinal specialists is required. 

Can I get stronger glasses?

Stronger glasses are not always the answer.   However, sometimes increasing magnification through regular lenses or low-vision appliances is tremendously useful therapy to assist visual function.  Ask your eye care professional for options or referral.

What is the difference between AREDS2 AMD vitamins and AMD supplements like Macuhealth and Vision Essence?

macuhealthMacula2X4vision essence

Vitamin supplements labeled with AREDS2 (e.g. Macula 2 Essentials) follow a well studied formula which included lutein and zinc and other nutrients.  It was concluded that a clinically significant number of people with AMD lost less vision (from dry AMD or conversion to wet AMD).

There is a concern by some that the high levels of zinc in these formulations can be detrimental to other body systems and also that high zinc can actually make a small, genetically pre-disposed group worse.  Speak to your eye care professional about what it right for you.  There are genetic testing options available to help determine a best therapy.  

Macuhealth and Vision Essence are high quality, well studied supplements that are only lutein and other important nutrients for the macula without zinc.   Macuhealth has industry leading research and consistency.  The nutrients in both of these have been studied - but not proven - to reduce risk of developing AMD.    See How to save $20 per bottle on Macuhealth here


All content by Dr Jason Morris.  No AI generated content/

Tags: AMD