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Buy I-DROP Pur | 0.18% Hyaluronate | 10ml

$25.39 CAD

All Current Inventory Expires after: April 1, 2027

Buy PUR eye drops. Safe-for-contact lens drop with Extended shelf life
(I-Drop Pur bottles rated for 12 months!)

There are lots of "safe-for-contact-lenses" eye drops, however, there is really something special about IDROP Pur.  The combination of effective natural lubricant plus long shelf life puts PUR above the rest for contact lens related dryness.

I-DROP Pur has a special property that better allows the drops to move across the surface of the eye and lens with every blink... this translates to longer relief from contact lens related dry eye without preservative!

IDROP Pur contains my favorite ocular lubricant to use in clinic. Viscoadaptive hyaluronan at 0.18% with added glycerin and no preservatives.

In clinic to protect our patients, I look at the both efficacy, safety and value of every drop I sell.  The bottle really matters! 

If you are a typical contact lens wearer, you have occationally dryness and are not using lubricating drops everyday.  With a typical drugstore squeeze bottle, the contents are only good for 30 days once the bottle is opened!  The expiration date stamped on the bottle is irrelivant once the bottle is open!   This means that you are likely throwing away much of the bottle contents or more likely .... using expired drops.   

Buy PUR for its one-way valve bottle dispenses one sterile dosed drop at a time (no wasted product) and eliminates any chance of the product re-entering the bottle.   You can keep this bottle on the shelf... even after opening for 12 months and be confident in the contents being effective and safe.  The novel antibacterial tip ensures safe dropping well after then initial dose.

Each bottle of IDrop PUR has ~240 drops.  My recommendation is typically 2x/day so one bottle could last 4 months if used regularly. 

No company has a longer shelf life..  Buy PUR and use it for up to 12 months after the bottle has been opened!

** CANADA ONLY PRODUCT **    Buy Pur Orders with USA ship-to addresses can not be fulfilled for I-MED Pharma Products.


Related Topics: How can non-preserved eyedrops like PUR last longer that preseved?,  Acute vs. Chronic Dry Eye, Dry Eye Basics

Studies supporting the use of Sodium Hyaluronate / Hyaluronic Acid (like IDROP PUR) for the treatment of Dry eye:

NIH National Library of Medicine 2022 > Hyaluronic acid in the treatment of dry eye disease,

MDPI 2022 > Evaluation of Dry Eye Treatment with Sodium Hyaluronate- and Dexpanthenol-Containing Eye Drops on Ocular Surface Improvement after Cataract Surgery

ResearchGate 2006 > Effectiveness of sodium hyaluronate eyedrops in the treatment of dry eye