Most of the content on mEYEspa is related to dry eye therapies however I had a great question from a patient in clinic this week - "Does Omega 3 help my macular degeneration?"

There is no clear evidence supporting the use of Omega 3 (specifically DHA) for retinal health nor AMD treatment.  The eye's retina has one of the highest concentrations of DHA in the body and low DHA levels would plausibly be linked to reduced retinal function and susceptibility to damage... but more study is required to prove this out.

There are currently only confounding studies regarding the effectiveness of DHA supplementation for age-related macular degeneration (AMD). While some studies suggest that higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA and EPA, may reduce the risk of AMD, other large-scale clinical trials have not found significant benefits.

The massive, gold-standard AREDS2 study, conducted by the National Eye Institute, tested omega-3 supplements along with other nutrients and found no additional benefit from omega-3 supplementation in reducing the progression of AMD compared to the original AREDS2 formulation without omega-3s.  However this study was designed to study progression of disease and not prevention 

The large 5.3 year VITAL trial, also found no significant effect of 1 gram omega-3 (EPA + DHA) in slowing AMD progression.  This study also did conclude no effect on AMD prevention.   

However in contrast, there are studies which combine the results of many other studies (meta-analysis) that suggest that DHA and EPA Omega 3's may offer some protective effects, but these results vary across populations and studies. Different fatty acid subtypes and long-term intake levels could also influence AMD progression differently.

mEYEspa has many options of high potency Omega 3's.  Although these have been selected for their dry eye benefits... they are also what is used in these AMD studies.  There is no difference in the forms for AMD vs. dry eye.

In summary, while omega-3s show some potential in reducing AMD risk, the evidence is not conclusive, and more research is needed to clarify their role as protective or therapeutic or neither.

RELATED TOPICS: What is the most potent Omega 3 we have found , How much Omega 3 should I take? , Do Vegan Omega 3's work as well?