NutraSea DRY EYE Targeted Liquid Omega3 (200ml)
$51.50 CAD
By Nature's Way
Liquid Omega 3's punch a great bang for your buck. Natures Way has put together a great, dry eye targeted liquid.
I am increasingly recommending high potency Omega 3 with GLA (Gamma linolenic acid). I am finding in-clinic that GLA is very helpful above and beyond good quality Omega 3 for chronic dry eyes.
Cost effective with a big punch - I highly recommend the NutraSea Dry Eye product. And - MADE in CANADA (Nova Scotia)
Just one teaspoon per day with food delivers the recommended dose for ocular surface conditions.
NutraSea DRY EYE Targeted Liquid Omega3 + GLA (200ml) Approximately a 40 day supply