The Basics - Dry Eye - mEYEspa at Studio Eye Care

The Basics - Dry Eye - mEYEspa at Studio Eye Care

meyespa iris  The condition name 'DRY EYE' is inherently confusing as many people with 'Dry Eyes' excessively tear.  They may have symptoms that do not necessarily feel dry.  'Dry Eye' refers more to an imbalance in your tear chemistry.  The thin film of fluid on the surface of your eyes is quite a complex recipe and if that is not produced by your body properly, unstable vision and discomfort and sometimes permanent damage to the ocular tissue can ensue.  MORE

Contact Lens Related Dry Eye

meyespa iris  Contact lens material/fit/design, care solution, ocular and handling hygiene and natural tear quality are the main considerations for poor contact lens comfort.  This guide covers improving tear quality.  MORE

Recommendations for Aqueous Deficiency Dry Eye

meyespa iris  The goal of treating aqueous deficiency dry eye is to dilute the tears so that they are less salty and irritating to the ocular tissue.

There are different options for day and night-time use.


Recommendations for Lipid Deficiency Dry Eye

meyespa iris  The goal of treating lipid deficiency dry eye is to reduce the evaporation of tears from the ocular surface as low moisture causes irritation and damage to the ocular tissue.

Acute treatment strategies involve drops and and ongoing strategies involve drops and getting your body to produce better tears.  MORE