BIHOCL O.D. 0.02% Hypochlorous Spray | 118ml
In clinic, I feel Hypochlorous Lid Care Spray is the most under-utilized and under-rated product for lid irritation and blepharitis. See this blog on Hypochorous Lid Care
I have used hypochlorous (HOCL) cleansing spray in-clinic and personally for years for blepharitis, dry eye and anecdotally - it is a fantastic way to refresh and re-hydrate during long screen time!! Just spray on lids and let dry - no rinse required.
Hypochlorous Spray is 100% all natural, vegan and preservative free. It is antimicrobial and completely safe for skin contact (around eye). It almost falls into the too-good-to-be-true category!
Spray directly on lids to eradicate bacteria and virus. Do not use directly on ocular surfaces (not in eye).
Ingredients are: 0.02% pure hypochlorous acid, water and sodium chloride.
Made in Canada. 118ml (large) bottle
What is hypochlorous?
Natural hypochlorous (HOCL) is component of our body's immune system produced by white blood cells. It can be created in the lab under Class 2 Health Canada Medical Device License. BIHOCL O.D. cleansing spray is 0.02% HOCL and is safe, effective and stable.